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Rajkumar P. Thummer, PhD

Assistant Professor

Laboratory for Stem Cell Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (SCERM),

Department of Biosciences & Bioengineering (BSBE),

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG),

Guwahati – 781039, Assam,


Tel (O)  : +91-361-258-3208

Fax       : +91-361-258-2249

Email    : rthu[AT*]



07/2015 – Present              Assistant Professor

                                            Laboratory for Stem Cell Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (SCERM),

                                            Department of Biosciences & Bioengineering (BSBE),

                                            Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Guwahati, Assam, India


07/2011 – 12/2014              Post-doctoral researcher (Stem Cell Biology and Cell Reprogramming)

                                            Stem Cell Engineering Group, Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology (RNB),

                                            LIFE & BRAIN (L&B) center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany


12/2005 – 12/2010              PhD student (Stem Cell Biology)

                                            Groningen Biomolecular sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB) and

                                            University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), University of Groningen,

                                            Groningen, The Netherlands


10/2003 – 09/2004              Master of Science in Biotechnology (Merit)              

                                            University of Essex, Colchester, UK 


09/1998 – 04/2002              Bachelor of Pharmacy (First Class)

                                            Anand Pharmacy College, Sardar Patel University, Gujarat, India 



  • Postdoctoral researcher (Stem Cell Biology and Cell Reprogramming), Institute of Reconstructive Neurobiology, LIFE & BRAIN center, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany (2011-2014).     

        Postdoctoral research project “Protein transduction as an approach to understand molecular function of core stem               cell factors”. Group leader: Prof. Dr. Frank Edenhofer

  • PhD (Stem Cell Biology), Groningen Biomolecular sciences and Biotechnology Institute (GBB) and University Medical Centre Groningen (UMCG), University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands (2005-2010).

       – PhD research project “Characterization and role of UTF1 in embryonic stem and carcinoma cells: Implications                     for regulation of gene expression, chromatin structure and cell differentiation”. PhD Supervisor: Dr. Bart Eggen.

  • MSc (Biotechnology), University of Essex, Colchester, UK (2003-2004). 

       – Master’s research project “Prediction of possible dimerization interface in Class A GPCRs using Evolutionary trace             and Entropy analysis”. Project Supervisor: Prof. Christopher A. Reynolds.



  1. Selected for the Young Scientist Award – Early Career Research Award (ECRA), by Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India. Supported by a major project (2016-2019).

  2. Start-Up Grant by Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG; 2016-2018).

  3. Ubbo-Emmius PhD Scholarship, 2005-2010, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands.

  4. Second best oral presentation award – “UTF1 regulates ES cell differentiation, chromatin organization and gene expression” at the 18th GBB Symposium 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands.

  5. Travel grant to attend the EMBO-DBT Alliance meeting in Barcelona, Spain in September 2010.


  1. November 2014: Oral presentation – “Role of core transcription factors in induction, maintenance and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells” at Biological Engineering, IIT Gandhinagar, India.

  2. October 2014: Oral presentation – “Role of core transcription factors in induction, maintenance and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells” at Biomedical Engineering, IIT Ropar, India.

  3. September 2014: Oral presentation – “Role of core transcription factors in induction, maintenance and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells” at Department of Biotechnology, IIT Hyderabad, India.

  4. September 2014: Oral presentation – “Role of core transcription factors in induction, maintenance and differentiation of pluripotent stem cells” at Centre for Stem Cell Research, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.

  5. July 2014: Oral presentation – “Protein transduction - An approach to understand molecular function of core pluripotency factors” at the Human Stem Cell Pluripotency Laboratory, Max Planck Institute for Molecular Biomedicine, Münster, Germany.

  6. January 2014: Oral presentation – “Protein transduction - An approach to understand molecular function of core pluripotency factors” at the LIFE & BRAIN center, Bonn, Germany.

  7. April 2013: Poster presentation – “Nanog protein transduction results in suppression of senescence, enhanced reprogramming and down-regulation of p27KIP1 expression” at 7th International Meeting. Stem Cell Network North Rhine-Westphalia, Cologne, Germany.

  8. December 2012: Oral presentation – “Role of cell-permeant pluripotency maintenance factor human Nanog in maintenance of mouse ES cell pluripotency” at the BEST-SC Bonn Workshop WP1.4, Bonn, Germany.

  9. October 2012: Oral and poster presentation – “Role of cell-permeant pluripotency maintenance factor Nanog in proliferation and reprogramming of fibroblasts” at the BEST-SC Final Dissemination meeting, Edinburgh, UK.                                  Poster 1: Cell-permeant Nanog maintains pluripotency of ES cells.                                                                                    Poster 2: Nanog protein transduction enhances proliferation, suppresses senescence and reprogramming of fibroblasts.

  10. July 2012: Poster presentation – “Nanog protein transduction results in suppression of senescence, enhanced reprogramming and down-regulation of p27KIP1 expression” at 4th International Congress on Stem Cells and Tissue Formation, Dresden, Germany.

  11. December 2011: Oral presentation – “Cell penetrating proteins for hESC self-renewal” at BEST-SC meeting in Lisbon, Portugal.

  12. September 2010: Oral and Poster presentation –“UTF1 regulates ES cell differentiation, chromatin organization and gene expression” at the 18th GBB Symposium, Groningen, The Netherlands.

  13. August 2010: Poster presentation – “UTF1 regulates ES cell differentiation, chromatin organization and gene expression” at the Epigenetics and Stem cell conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.

  14. October 2009: Poster presentation – “Characterization of human UTF1, a chromatin-associated protein with repressor activity expressed in pluripotent cells” at the 3rd International Symposium Stem Cell, Development and Regulation, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

  15. September 2009: Poster presentation – “Characterization of human UTF1, a chromatin-associated protein with repressor activity expressed in pluripotent cells” at the 17th GBB Symposium, Groningen, The Netherlands.

  16. July 2009: Poster presentation – “Characterization of human UTF1, a chromatin-associated protein with repressor activity expressed in pluripotent cells” at the 7th ISSCR Annual meeting, Barcelona, Spain.

  17. September 2007: Poster presentation – “Identification of novel genes involved in regulating cellular senescence” at the 15th GBB Symposium, Groningen, The Netherlands.

  18. September 2006: Poster presentation – “Screening of lifespan extension genes involved in human diploid fibroblasts” at the 14th GBB Symposium, Groningen, The Netherlands.

  19. September 2006: Poster presentation – “Entropy and Oligomerization in GPCRs” at the 14th GBB Symposium, Groningen, The Netherlands.


  • Participated in peer reviewing of research articles in Cell Stem Cell, Stem Cells, Stem Cell Research, Annals of Anatomy, Histochemistry and Cell Biology and American Journal of PharmTech Research. 



Department of Biosciences and Bioengineering (BSBE), Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), Guwahati - 781039, Assam, India
© Dr. Rajkumar P. Thummer
Designed by H Krishna Kumar
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